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Search for a question about PRODUCTS

What is your return policy?

We want our customers to be completely satisfied with their purchases, so if you're not happy with your product, you can return it within 7 (Seven) days after delivery. Just make sure it's in its original condition and ready for its next adventure!

Can I return a product if I changed my mind?

Golabaji is not obligated to accept a return for a change of mind. If we do accept a change of mind return then you must pay return postage and will only be entitled to a store credit, excluding the cost of shipping, for the approved returned item.

Can I purchase a product as a gift for someone?

Absolutely! If you wish to purchase a product as a gift, you have the option to add gift wrapping and include a personalised message during checkout. The recipient will receive the item beautifully wrapped, along with your special message.

Do you offer free shipping for gift products?

Yes, we offer free shipping for orders of merchandise/gift products that meet a specified minimum total. This provides a great opportunity to save on shipping costs while ensuring you get the best value for your money. If your order falls below the minimum threshold, we still offer competitive shipping rates.

Is there a minimum order amount for free shipping?

Yes, a minimum order amount is required to qualify for free shipping. The specific amount may vary, so please check our website or promotional offers for the current threshold. Orders below the minimum amount will be subject to shipping fees based on the size and weight of the package.

Are there any additional fees or taxes applied to the product prices?

Depending on your location, additional fees and taxes, such as sales tax, may be applied to your order. These charges are calculated during checkout and added to the total cost. For detailed information on taxes and fees applicable in your area, we recommend consulting your local government guidelines.

Do you offer returns or refunds on products?

Yes, we offer returns and refunds for defective or damaged products. If you receive a product that is defective or not as described, please contact us immediately to initiate the return or refund process. Our goal is to ensure your complete satisfaction with your purchase. Please read the Refund Policy here

How long does it take for a refund to be processed?

Once we receive your returned product and confirm the issue, we will process your refund within 7-10 business days. Please note that the time it takes for the refund to appear on your bank statement may vary depending on your financial institution. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this process.

Can I pre-order a product that is not yet released?

Yes, you can pre-order select merchandise/gift products that are not yet released. This allows you to be among the first to receive the item once it becomes available. Simply add the product to your cart and proceed with the checkout process. We will ship the product to you as soon as it is released.

Are there any special pricing deals or promotions available?

Yes, we frequently offer seasonal sales and special promotions throughout the year for our merchandise/gift products. To stay updated on the latest deals and promotions, we recommend regularly visiting our website and subscribing to our email list. Our goal is to provide you with opportunities to save on your favorite items.

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Search for a question about SHIPPING

How long does it take for my product to arrive after I place my order?

Shipping times vary depending on your location, but most domestic orders within Australia arrive within 5-15 business days depending on locations. We prioritise processing and shipping orders promptly to ensure you receive your merchandise/gift products as quickly as possible.

Do you offer free shipping for merchandise/gift products?

Yes, we offer free shipping for orders of merchandise/gift products that meet a specified minimum total. This provides a great opportunity to save on shipping costs while ensuring you get the best value for your money. If your order falls below the minimum threshold, we still offer competitive shipping rates.

Is there a minimum order amount for free shipping?

Yes, the minimum order amount for free shipping is $50. If your order total is less than $50, you will be charged a shipping fee based on the size and weight of your order. However, if your order reaches or exceeds $50, it will qualify for free shipping. Please consider it changes time to time.

Can I track my product order?

Yes, you can track your merchandise/gift product order in most of the cases. Simply navigate to the "Order Status" section, where you can view the current status of your order and track its estimated delivery date.

Can I change my shipping address after placing a product order?

Yes, you can change your shipping address after placing an order. However, please contact us as soon as possible to request the change. We will make every effort to update your shipping information before processing the order. Please note that once the order has been shipped, changes may no longer be possible.

Do you offer international shipping?

Yes, we offer international shipping for selective countries. Shipping rates and delivery times will vary depending on the destination. Before placing your order, we will provide you with information on shipping costs and estimated delivery dates.

Can I choose expedited shipping for my order?

Yes, we offer expedited shipping options for product orders. If you need your order to arrive quickly, you can select the express shipping option during checkout. Additional fees may apply for this service.

How are the products packaged and shipped?

We take great care in packaging and shipping the products. Each item is carefully packaged to ensure its protection during transit. We use sturdy packaging materials and boxes to maintain the quality and integrity of your order.

What should I do if my product order is damaged during shipping?

If your merchandise/gift product order arrives damaged, please contact us immediately. We will work with you to resolve the issue and ensure you receive a replacement product as soon as possible.

Can I change the shipping method for my product order after it has been placed?

No, it is not possible to change the shipping method for your product order once it has been placed. We recommend reviewing your shipping information and method carefully before finalising your order. If you require any changes, please contact us immediately, and we will do our best to assist you.

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Search for a question about RETURN

How long does it take for my product to arrive after I place my order?

Shipping times vary depending on your location, but most domestic orders within Australia arrive within 5-15 business days depending on locations. We prioritise processing and shipping orders promptly to ensure you receive your merchandise/gift products as quickly as possible.

Can I return a product if I changed my mind?

Golabaji is not obligated to accept a return for a change of mind. If we do accept a change of mind return then you must pay return postage and will only be entitled to a store credit, excluding the cost of shipping, for the approved returned item.

Can I return a product if it arrived damaged?

Of course! If your product arrives damaged, we're sorry about that. Please let us know as soon as possible and we'll make sure to send you a replacement or process a return for you.

Do I have to pay for return shipping?

If the return is a result of our error (such as a damaged product), we'll cover the return shipping costs. If the return is for any other reason, the customer is responsible for the return shipping fees.

How do I start the return process?

Simply reach out to our customer service team through the "Contact Us" form on our website or give us a call. They'll assist you with the return process and answer any questions you may have.

Can I return a product that was a gift?

Of course! If you received a product as a gift and would like to return it, just reach out to our customer service team for assistance with the original receipt. We'll make sure the return process is as smooth as possible.

How long does it take to process a return?

Once we receive the returned book, it usually takes about 7-10 business days to process the return. Our customer service team will keep you updated on the status of your return.

Can I exchange a product for another title?

Absolutely! If you'd like to exchange a product for another title, just reach out to our customer service team for assistance. They'll make sure the exchange process is quick and easy. Standard Return charge applicable.

What if I received the wrong product?

If you received the wrong product, we're sorry about that! Please reach out to our customer service team as soon as possible and they'll assist you with getting the correct book to you.

Can I return a product that was on clearance or on sale?

No, unfortunately, products that were on clearance or on sale cannot be returned for a refund. Clearance and sale items are final sale, and we do not accept returns or offer refunds for them. However, if the product arrived damaged, we will assist you with a return or replacement to ensure your satisfaction.